Guest Post by Malcolm Peart (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
Structures are all around us, even chaos has structure albeit fractal. We humans too involved in structures; not only do we construct physical structures, but we form organisational structures and create civilizations using the social, economic and cultural structures that rule our lives.
Some of these structures collapse due to human error, natural forces outside of our control, and man’s destructive and violent nature. The reasons for such collapses may not be understood but, being inquisitive we strive to find out. But these endeavours are not only earthbound as we also seek to work out the structure of the universe and its workings. An early example of such work is from the astronomer Kepler who developed his model of our solar system. Although geometrically fascinating it’s a far cry from our modern-day perceptions
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