Reliability and Industrial Designers
Carl and Fred discussing design requirements and how they influence reliability decisions.
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Your Reliability Engineering Professional Development Site
Author of Inside FMEA articles, FMEA Resources page, and multiple books, and a co-host on Speaking of Reliability.
This author's archive lists contributions of articles and episodes.
by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing design requirements and how they influence reliability decisions.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discuss the various types of interfaces in electrical and mechanical systems and how they should be included in reliability analyses.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Can you take into account reliability or durability functions in an FMEA? How can this be done? A reader asks this question, and it is discussed and answered in this FMEA Q and A article.
“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.”
Francis Bacon
by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing the importance of understanding and applying failure mechanisms in achieving high reliability.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing to talk with management about the subject of reliability.
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In this week’s FMEA problems and solutions article, the intermediate problem challenges readers to prioritize a series of RPNs (with their corresponding S, O, and D). In the advanced problem, readers are asked to weigh in on a fictitious debate between advocates of traditional RPN, and advocates of criticality assessment, using only severity and occurrence.
If you haven’t yet read the article titled “Prioritizing risk for corrective actions in an FMEA – Know before you go!“, you can access it by clicking on the link.
Carl and Fred discussing the reasons for performing a Reliability Gap Assessment, and how it fits into the Reliability Plan.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing a few basic steps necessary to create an effective reliability plan, including setting the goals, understanding the challenges and identifying the key tasks.
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One of the most important steps in FMEA procedure is prioritizing risk for corrective actions. As soon as Severity, Occurrence, and Detection ratings have been determined for each failure mode and associated cause, the next step in an FMEA is to prioritize the risk and identify which issues need corrective actions. This step has been misapplied more often than any other step in the FMEA process.
“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing the primary steps to achieving high reliability.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing the importance of customer perception from a reliability point of view.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
What if a production worker uses a different cleaning method for an assembly operation than was outlined in the operation work instructions, and the result is customer complaints and field issues. How could this be addressed in a Process FMEA? This question is discussed and answered in this FMEA Q and A article.
“I think that probably the most important thing about our education was that it taught us to question even those things we thought we knew.”
Thabo Mbeki
Can you find this common error in detection ranking in the intermediate problem in this article? In the advanced problem, the topic of an in-service detection scale will challenge the most experienced readers.
by Carl S. Carlson 40 Comments
Failure modes and their causes can be detected in service, like tire pressure monitors on your vehicle. Is that what is assessed in the Detection column of the FMEA? This article discusses detection risk, including examples, and answers this question.
by Carl S. Carlson 10 Comments
Ponder this question: Let’s say you are an OEM and assemble parts made by various suppliers. When performing your Process FMEA, do you consider special characteristics for components in your Process FMEA? This question is discussed and answered in this edition of FMEA Q and A.
“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.”
Peter Abelard