Welcome to the ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE) exam preparation course.
We will be stepping through the CRE Body of Knowledge as you refresh your knowledge, reinforce what you already know, and brush up on a few rusty areas.
Additional References
CRE Primer from the Quality Council of Indiana
ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer description
There are many reasons to sit for the CRE certification, and what ever the reason, let’s work together so you can successfully achieve this career milestone. It’s a tough test and covers a broad body of knowledge, yet with a little support and hard work you can do it.
Primary Course Reference
The course reading and study material is primarily based in the CRE Primer from the Quality Council of Indiana. You can order your copy directly from their site. It makes a perfect reference for use during the exam, plus a handy goto reference for your day to day reliability engineering work, too.
Hello, I´m engineering from spain and I’m interesting in your course on line CRE, because I want to be prepare in reliabilty subject to implement the knowledge in my company but I have some question about it:
1) How long is the course?
2) What it is the garanty to pay the course and have the acces to study it on line?
3) How many hours I have to study? Can I study at my pace?
4) How I confirm that the conexion on line it is correct?
5) Can I do a trial of the conection before to pay it?
6) Can I have any problem to stay in Spain?
Thank you for your attention
Hi Josemaria,
All good questions, let me try to answer them for you.
1) the course is based on a 32 hour course I teach for my local ASQ section – so roughly 32 hours of lectures, the add sample exam problems (about 350, I believe in the current course with more on the way), and time to read the supporting material/tutorials, the course may require from 40 to 80 hours to complete.
2. The payment is via Stripe (most major credit cards accepted) or PayPal – the course is available online with lectures available to stream online via your browser or you may download the audio/slides/mp4 movies if you so desire.
3. You have as many hours, days, weeks or months as you want to study – totally at your own pace. I have found that allotting at least 8 weeks and taking the time to work sample problems and do the extra reading helps you master the material. Also, you pay once and always have access to the course – including updates.
Note: I am in the process of updating the course to include the new elements of the 2018 BOK, and plan to keep the removed elements as bonus material.
4. Visit https://lucas-accendo-site-speed.sprod01.rmkr.net/cre-preparation/course-introduction/welcome/ (this page) and on the right sidebar click on Course Introduction. There you can view the Introduction lesson, A CRE Sample Quiz, a Math Quiz, and the previous body of knowledge. You can play the video’s and try the downloads to make sure everything is working.
5. Yes, try the sample and welcome/intro lessons to make sure your connection works.
6. No problems with staying in Spain, the entire course is online.
Finally, this course also comes with my ongoing support. I created the course and have taught CRE and CQE prep courses for many years. I hear to help you by answering any of your questions, available to discuss topics and recommend resources, study habits, etc.
Be sure to also, if you haven’t seen it, the series of short tutorials I write under CRE preparation Notes.
I’m here to help you prepare for the CRE exam and/or become a better reliability professional.
thank you very much for your kindly answer
Hi Fred
Is this course obsolete? The reason(s) I am asking is that I still haven’t found a payment page and that the QCI links are 404 (indicative of the earlier BOK).
In case it is obsolete, are you intent on setting up a similar on-demand course for the new BOK? Also, what is the cost of the new course?
I have another question which I’ll follow up with later.
Thank you,
– Jay
Hi Jay,
Kind of obsolete as it is structured around the previous body of knowledge. The vast majority of the content is the same for the new body of knowledge, yet I have the course primarily offline for new students as I need to update the organization to match the new body of knowledge. There a few new lectures to add mostly around risk management, and few that will become bonus material as few topics have dropped from the body of knowledge.
I’m working on it yet it is taking time and I expect to have it updated this year… although that is a maybe at this point.
PS: thanks for the note on the link to the QCI links – that I can update quickly.