How to Determine the Value of Reliability Engineering Activities
An obvious result of good reliability engineering is the lack of field failures. Connecting your work to the results is not always obvious.
In todays lean organizations everyone has to provide tangible value. Yet, if the product is doing well, how do you show your ongoing contribution to the organization?
Reliability engineering may increase the cost of a product or recommend expensive product testing. Justifying these expenses is often based on the chance of improved product reliability.
It is the quantification of value due to specific reliability engineering actions that enables you to articulate your worth to an organization.
This short book explores how to calculate the value of reliability engineering activities. We explore ways to estimate value for use in engineering proposals.
We know that a reliable product provides value to the customer, it also is a value to you and your organization.
Here you will learn how to connect specific reliability engineering work to the real value created.
PDF file size: 318 KB
ePub file size: 1.3 MB
Print Length: 84 pages
Publisher: FMS Reliability Publishing (April 21, 2014)
eBook ISBN: 978-1-938122-02-6
paperback ISBN: 978-1-938122-03-3
To download your free copy, become an Accendo Reliability member.
You may purchase a copy via the Amazon (Kindle version) or MagCloud (PDF or softcover versions)
it is a good information on reliability engineering value
thanks for the kind words. I hope it is helpful for you. Cheers, Fred
Excelent Fred, thanks for this book.
You’re welcome, do let me know if you have any questions.
Good one Fred. Thank you
thanks Rama. cheers, Fred
you are doing such a good work keep it up fred !
thanks Arun, much appreciated. And realize that what I know and do is based on the guidance and input of many great leaders I’ve worked with in the past and current enjoy working along side. cheers, Fred
Great topic! Thank you for the book, Fred. You are doing a really great job.
Thanks Yvette, made my day, cheers, Fred
Hello Fred,
Thanks a lot for sharing wonderful value added book with us. Great Job!!
You are welcome Viswanathan, glad you enjoy the work, and hopefully it will help you describe the value of reliability work clearly. Cheers, Fred