Redundancy by Design
Kirk and Fred discussing the use of backups and system redundancy in the design of electronics for increased reliability.
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Your Reliability Engineering Professional Development Site
Kirk and Fred discussing the use of backups and system redundancy in the design of electronics for increased reliability.
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing the interesting subject of “blind spots,” and how they can impede good designs.
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Kirk and Fred discussing how new technology designs of buildings or electronics are usually over-designed in the first generation.
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by Christopher Jackson 4 Comments
Chris and Fred discuss different strategies for reliability. We start with a couple of strategies that don’t work (big shout out to virtually every military customer … ever!) and then come up with some approaches that have been shown to work – at least in some circumstances. And that is the key – different scenarios demand different strategies. Sound interesting? Then this is the podcast for you.
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Kirk and Fred discussing whether to design for the anticipated extreme corner case of environmental stresses that some percentage of the product may see in use.
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by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Fred discussing tools for assessing risk to the products performance in the field
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by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Chris discussing the difference between organizational strength’s in evolutionary vs revolutionary design process
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Carl and Fred discussing the three most important principles that summarize the reliability philosophy of successful companies, with focus on the second principle.
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Kirk and Fred discussing the issue of long term reliability, intrinsic wear-out, and the rapid improvement of new features and benefits that motivate retirement of older devices such as in smartphones.
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by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Fred discussing the effectiveness of the “design Freeze” methodology in the product development process effectiveness.
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by Christopher Jackson Leave a Comment
Chris and Fred discuss some of the challenges and issues faced by companies developing a ‘brand new’ product.
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Kirk and Fred discussing the many causes and contributors to products failing after purchase. How do we know which factors are the largest contributor to causing failures?
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discuss the subject of robust design, what it is, and how it relates to reliability programs.
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by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
Today’s episode is about the role of training in affecting change. Sometimes you need to train the workforce to work better than the beginners but that completely depends on the culture of the organization and skills, knowledge, and abilities of the employees working out there.
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by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
This episode of the weekly podcast covers the need of designing for maintainability. It is one of the biggest processes involved in the area of reliability and helps in improving the availability of the equipment in time. So first of all, we need to understand what this term is —and the tools and techniques that are required to make it successful.
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