“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” Henry Ford.
Henry Ford understood the power of the mind and the power of belief systems. Many of us limit ourselves with what we’ve been told throughout our lives or what we’ve been conditioned by society. Understanding your beliefs and the story behind those beliefs is the first step to changing them so your beliefs work for you.
Two of my go-to limiting beliefs are self-worth related and have caused me a lot of grief.
“I’m not doing enough”
“I’m not good enough”
“I’m not doing enough”, pops up all the time for me. A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with my girlfriend that I didn’t feel like I was working hard enough. She almost yelled at me. I work full-time as an asset manager, I produce all of the content for Rob’s Reliability Project, I am a co-founder of Thrive Workplace Wellness, I help UpKeep Maintenance Management with some of their content production and I’m working on improving myself with my coach.
Does that sound like enough to you?
When I list them like this, it helps me see that I am doing enough (some would argue more than enough). If I see that belief pop up in my mind, I can use this list to change that belief.
“I’m not good enough” is a belief that I’ve had throughout my life. I didn’t think I was good enough to get into MIT and when I got in, I didn’t think I belonged (I have the lowest SAT scores on the water polo team, I’m not that good at math). Currently, I struggle with that belief with putting out this content (why does my opinion matter? who cares what I have to say) and some of the plans I have for myself and this community.
I recommend you look for some of these types of beliefs in your own life. Once you notice them, try to understand where that belief comes from and how untrue it is.
Reliability Never Sleeps,
I am greatly encouraged. Thanks
You’re welcome Gladson!