How to Plan an ALT
podcast episode with speaker Fred Schenkelberg
The more you understand the failure mechanisms the easier it is to design an accelerated life test, (ALT). Yet, we often do not have all the information we would like to draft an ALT. So, what do we do then?
One approach is to use a suitable standard and simply follow the recipe. For example, 3 samples in a chamber at 85°C and 85% RH for 1,000 hours is a common standard-based recipe. The trouble is, what do the results of such an experiment mean? Will your device work for 15 years with a low probability of failure? It is unclear, right?
So, let’s step through an approach to setting up your ALT such that you will have a meaningful result. Starting with what you know about your failure mechanism (or should know) then step through what to measure, how often, how many samples, and an overview of the analysis. The intent of this webinar is to provide a starting point for your next ALT project.
This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 13 April 2021.

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To view the recorded video and PDF of slides visit the webinar page.
Thank you for not giving up conducting this session, and posting it Frank. Sincerely appreciate the knowledge, philosophy and education you are providing all of us.
Having an understanding of the problem we are trying to solve, and understanding the solutions we come up with is always much less costly, simpler in design, much more practical and emotionally rewarding, then having many solutions to a problem we do not understand.
Thank you,