Accendo Reliability Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:31:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 FMS Reliability Illuminated Reliability Engineering Knowledge Accendo Reliability Illuminated Reliability Engineering Knowledge Accendo Reliability No What is Accelerated Life Testing or ALT? Tue, 24 Jan 2023 19:42:37 +0000 What is Accelerated Life Testing or ALT?

podcast episode with speaker Chris Jackson

Sounds simple right? We simply test faster! Great! But what does this get us? Many organizations are faced with a dilemma when it comes to testing to MEASURE reliability. If we test an amazing new product in at use' conditions, it might take many years before it will fail. This is time we simply don't have when it comes to product development. So how do we test faster? One of the more obvious answers is to increase the stress. Turn the temperature up. Increase the vibration. Use more voltage. But how do we get this right? How can we know that (for example) one week of accelerated testing is equivalent to 10 years of actual use? This webinar will help introduce you to the idea of Accelerated Life Testing or ALT to help you and your organization make reliability testing a reality.

This Accendo Reliability webinar was originally broadcast on 24 January 2023.

What is Accelerated Life Testing or ALT?Christopher Jackson
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To view the recorded video/audio and PDF workbook of the event visit the webinar page.

Additional content that may be of interest

Three Approaches to ALT (webinar)

Electromigration Accelerated Life Testing (article)

Metal Fatigue Failure Mechanism Accelerated Life Testing (article)

Temperature & Humidity Accelerated Life Testing (article)


]]> 0 This webinar will introduce you to Accelerated Life Testing or ALT to help you and your organization make reliability testing a reality. No No 0:00 Christopher Jackson