Lance Fiondella, Scholar
Fred interviews Lance Fiondella about his work teaching reliability engineering concepts for practical use in software and an open source software modeling tool.
Lance Fiondella is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He received his PhD (2012) in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Fiondella’s research interests include the reliability and risk assessment of software, systems, and networks. He has supervised four MS theses and is the advisor of four PhD students.
In this episode, Fred and Lance discuss:
- His RAMS tutorial to mathematical software reliability
- Comparison of software and hardware reliability modeling
- The importance of understanding the underlying assumptions in your model
- An open source set of tools for software reliability modeling
Recorded January 2017.
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Show Notes
Software Failure and Reliability Assessment Tool (SFRAT)
David Coit says
I finally got around to listening to this one. I really enjoyed it, good job Lance and Fred! Perhaps due to my own limitations and specific interests, I never found software reliability to be interesting. However, Lance did a great job making the concepts interesting and clear. Once Lance got rolling, Fred had a little trouble getting his comments heard … very unusual 🙂