Accendo Reliability Thu, 27 Jul 2023 21:09:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 FMS Reliability Illuminated Reliability Engineering Knowledge Accendo Reliability Illuminated Reliability Engineering Knowledge Accendo Reliability No Reliability Integration into the Product Development Process Thu, 27 Jul 2017 16:37:16 +0000 Enhancing Reliability Integration into the Product Development Process

One of the more significant challenges for reliability engineering in product development is complete execution of the planned reliability process in product development. The reliability tools and techniques outlined in the product plan are often skipped or delayed, minimizing the opportunity for outputs to impact the program and product fully.

This contrast of planning and execution does not occur equally with product plan goals such as time to market, developed technical features, and product cost point. Each of those are closely measured in development and have a strong presence when resource is re-negotiated during the program. There are specific consideration that must be made for reliability due to it's more complicated nature to measure performance and improve towards the target.

This webinar and a continuing collaborative group will focus on studying these product development challenges for reliability and drive to develop long term solutions.

A collaborative group will be launched after the webinar. This group will be focused on continuing the discussion around methodologies to improve the implementation of DfR in the product development process. The group will meet once a month on-line as well as continuously communicate through a private forum.

The group will be a significant contributor to building case studies and providing input on applied methods and proposed strategies. It will be a great place for all members to receive support and share their experiences while being a major contributor to this new progression of the reliability discipline. You are invited to join and share your experience and ideas.

This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 26 July 2017.

Reliability Integration into the Product Development ProcessAdam Bahret
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]]> 0 Enhancing Reliability Integration into the Product Development Process One of the more significant challenges for reliability engineering in product development is complete execution of the planned reliability process in product development. The reliability tools and techniques outlined in the product plan are often skipped or delayed, minimizing the opportunity for outputs to impact the program [...] No No 0:00 Adam Bahret management, planning