How Do We Know They Know Their Process?
Tim and Fred discuss the questions and answers that can help buyers and engineers understand whether suppliers can be relied upon to manage their processes and avoid reliability problems.
Key Points
Join Tim and Fred as they share some ideas about what questions to ask, and what answers to look for, in order to become confident about a supplier’s capability to maintain the required level of quality performance.
Topics include:
- Why ISO9000 certification is necessary, but not sufficient
- The evidence that indicates whether a supplier really understands their production processes and the effect on product quality
- Why it’s risky to rely solely on the supplier for process knowledge with no “BS detector”
- Why it’s better to work with a supplier who’s had problems than a supplier who claims they’ve never had problems
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques, to field data analysis approaches.

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