Use Cases for Reliability Performance
Adam and Fred discuss the need to understand where and how a product is used.
Key Points
Join Adam and Fred as they discuss a home disaster that inspires some dialogue about product use case study and how it lead to premature failure.
Topics include:
- Choosing to study the full range of use cases for a product in advance of development can have a significant impact on field performance
- Once the use case and environmental profiles are defined a product development team has to decide what range of use and env. stress the product will hold to for it’s reliability statement. If they choose one that is too high they may not be able to hit their cost point or other design requirements, too low and their target market could experience a significant failure rate.
- In better understanding the use case profiles the next challenge is to identify what factors can be used of acceleration models that can improve the iterative test and design process.
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques, to field data analysis approaches.

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