Corner Case Use Cases
Adam and Joe Schwendler discussing how “corner case use” in testing can quickly identify robustness weaknesses and most importantly wear out.
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Join Adam and Joe as they discuss how “corner case use” in testing can quickly identify robustness weaknesses and most importantly wear out.
Understanding end of life wear out failure modes is a critical part of the product development program. It is also one of the more difficult behaviors to characterise because simply, “wear out takes a long time.” Accelerated Life Tests (ALT) can be used to compress the test time. The challenge with ALT tests is having a verified acceleration model to work with. Creating a verified model can be a significant time and engineering resource as well.
Exploring how edge cases can reveal wear out failure modes is a great path to understanding long term product behavior in a compressed time frame. Joe and his team have used this technique to bring a strong understanding of their products reliability and wear out behaviors early in the design process.
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