Approach to Platform Reliability
Carl and Fred discussing a reliability approach where the focus becomes core functions. This is compared to approaching reliability at the project level.
Key Points
Join Carl and Fred as they discuss different approaches to the scope of reliability management. Specifically, reliability improvements can be targeted at the functional (platform) level, or they can be targeted at the project level.
Topics include:
- What is meant by platform reliability?
- Targeting reliability at the supply chain
- Matrix system
- Pros and cons of focusing reliability efforts at functional or project level
- Application of reliability tools at functional vs project level
- Example: generic FMEA vs FMEA at project level
- Best practice is both functional and project level reliability
- In your company, who has responsibility for supplier reliability? Do you have reliability requirements for critical supplier parts?
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques to field data analysis approaches.

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