The Dangers of Group Think
Carl and Fred discussing the dynamics of teams, how they work, and what can go wrong.
Key Points
Join Carl and Fred as they discuss the dangers of “group think” when working with teams.
Topics include:
- What is “group think”?
- If everyone agrees with an idea, maybe somebody is not thinking
- The value of teams versus the value of the individual
- Individuals can have blind spots, and offer differing points of view, which is why well-run teams can come up with ideas and solutions beyond any one person
- Debate and disagreement is good, lack of disagreement is worrisome
- It has to be safe for people to express opinions and ideas
- Team environment must be conducive to originating opinions
- Criticize ideas not people
- Work for balance input for all team members
- If one person on a team has a concern, the team should discuss it
- Voting is not the best strategy to decide on solutions
- Be open to having your ideas reviewed and critiqued
- Ask “what is the rationale?” to evaluate ideas
- Work for group consensus to avoid “group think”
- When you have a good idea, be willing to debate and explain why it is good
- Some of the best discoveries are when one person has a good idea that is opposed
- Create a safe team environment where ideas can be openly criticized and evaluated
- “Group think” does not value individual ideas
- If you have the right people in the room, and one is concerned with an issue, it needs to be explored by the team
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