RRP 046 Reliability Blockchain with Tim Ingram
This week, I welcome on Tim Ingram. Tim is an asset management consultant and the chair of UK’s mirror committee for ISO 55000. In this episode, I speak to Tim about reliability blockchain, a concept of crowdsourcing reliability data from OEMs and equipment users. If you’re interested to learn more after the episode, check out reliabilityblockchain.com
My calendar has been filling up lately with conferences and I wanted to let you know where I’ll be podcasting and speaking. I will be in Chicago, Illinois at MaintenanceCon April 15-17th. Then I’ll be at Reliable Asset World in Clearwater Beach, Florida May 14-17 and I’ll be at Asset Management Manitoba Summit on June 7th in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I’m looking for a new opportunity in maintenance & reliability so if you hear of any open positions that I might be suited for please let me know on LinkedIn or send me an email at robsreliabilityproject@gmail.com
If you enjoy the show, please tell your colleagues in reliability about it and follow Rob’s Reliability Project on LinkedIn. If you have any questions, business inquiries or if you’d like to appear on the podcast, email me at robsreliabilityproject@gmail.com
Follow Tim Ingram on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-ingram-17554127/
Check out reliabilityblockchain.com
Follow Rob’s Reliability Project on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/robsreliabilityproject/
Follow Rob’s Reliability Project on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/robsreliabilityproject/