The Survey Results Are In
Here the 2016 survey results as reported by the TypeForm survey tool. [Read more…]
Your Reliability Engineering Professional Development Site
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
Here the 2016 survey results as reported by the TypeForm survey tool. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
Initially, the CRE Prep blog aimed at providing refresher material for those preparing for the ASQ CRE exam.
In discussions with readers, it has become clear to me that many new to reliability engineering have found the series of articles useful.
That is should not be surprising since many of the tutorials are introductory and practical.
The problem those new to the field have is related with where to start.
There is a lot of information related to reliability engineering.
From defining reliability to working with teams to Weibull analysis, there is a lot to know. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve received the same question a few times.
The CRE exam is perceived as a daunting task. One worth preparing well to be successful.
How do you prepare? What should you do to best prepare?
Let’s explore a few hints and tips that have been previously discussed here. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
The ASQ CRE Exam is daunting.
While you may desire to become certified, you also know the CRE body of knowledge is broad. The exam is 150 questions in four hours that may tax your ability to achieve a passing score.
There is a lot to know in reliability engineering. Your journey of learning really never ends. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg 5 Comments
Learn more and register for the CRE Prep course here. (registration is closed at this time)
The course is 16 two hour sessions – a mix of lecture, discussion and Q&A that focused on what you need to know to pass the ASQ CRE exam. Sure, beyond the course you will need to study. This involved practicing sample exam questions, using your references and calculator, and practicing finding answers quickly.
We discuss ways to study along with any issues or ideas you have as you prepare for the exam.
*Note: These online classes will be Archived and you will be able to access them later even if you cannot make it to the Live class session! This means you may watch them again in case you forget something, miss a class, or can’t make it one day. Saturdays may be scheduled with the instructor for extra sessions or make-up classes if needed.
Mondays, July 13 – August 17, 2015 (3:00PM-5:00PM PDT)
Last Session for questions, September 21 and 28, 2015 (3:00PM-5:00PM PDT)
This class ends prior to the semi-annual ASQ Section testing, where everyone may sign-up through their local Section to take their test. Be sure to check out the ASQ website to get the early-bird rate before the end of this course!
Looking forward to seeing you in the course. And, of course, at any time, feel free to ask questions here, or in the CRE Preparation LinkedIn group.
Learn more and register for the CRE Prep course here.
by Fred Schenkelberg 2 Comments
To help you with taking standardized exams such as ASQ Certification exams, here are some tips that I learned a long time ago that have helped me. There may be cultural differences between the USA and other countries that would invalidate some of these. If anything that I included goes against what the specific examination authority recommends for test taking rules or strategy, go with their recommendations.
There may be cultural differences between the USA and other countries that would invalidate some of these. If anything that I included goes against what the specific examination authority recommends for test taking rules or strategy, go with their recommendations. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
In a recent discussion in the Linkedin group ASQ Reliability Division, John Pagendarm replied with his recipe for CRE exam preparation. With John’s permission, I’m posting here.
by Fred Schenkelberg 2 Comments
When this posts I should be home from Nepal and mostly recovered. So, back to more details going forward. Take a look, work the problem, solve it, then show your work. Comment with why you chose your response and why you didn’t select one of the others. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg 2 Comments
When this posts I should be just getting home from Nepal (jet lag is no place to write posts). So, this post and the next couple are homework for you. Take a look, work the problem, solve it, then show your work. Comment with why you chose your response and why you didn’t select one of the others.
From question 19 of ASQ CRE 2009 sample exam. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg 2 Comments
When this posts I should be near 17k ft altitude without electricity or internet – hoping for the best. So, this post and the next couple are homework for you. Take a look, work the problem, solve it, then show your work. Comment with why you choose your response and why you didn’t select one of the others.
Here is question 18 from the ASQ CRE 2009 sample exam. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
I received a note today from someone that has signed up for the Oct 5th CRE exam (about two weeks from today) and has not spent any time preparing. The request:
How should I prepare for the exam?
Reminds me of a quote about tree planting. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
If you have other ways to sort out these questions, please comment and let us learn and compare approaches. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
ASQ has posted sample exams for the past 10 or so years for the certifications. The CRE one is from 2009 and has questions used on previous exams. You can find a copy here or here.
This post has the first 5 questions with the answers explained. This is how I think or work through the problem to select an answer. Please comment if you have a different approach, especially if it would save time. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg 3 Comments
A key preparation step for the CRE exam is to have and know how to use a simple calculator. I use my smartphone and a calculator app – and I would not be permitted to use the phone during the exam. Same with tablets, computers, and other common tools that we now take for granted. [Read more…]
by Fred Schenkelberg Leave a Comment
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.
Here’s an excerpt:
600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 11,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 18 years to get that many views.