![Warranty Management Overview](https://lucas-accendo-site-speed.sprod01.rmkr.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Ardoises.posees.en_.ecaille.2300x300T-150x150.png)
Warranty is a part of doing business. Warranty management is not just the terms listed on the box.
Understanding the entire warranty process, along with your options, permits you to manage your warranty, rather than the other way around.
This is a short overview.
Pieces of a warranty program occur well before the first product ships and may affect the company bottom line for years after you ship your last product.
Brand promise, marketing, finance, customer service are not common areas for a reliability engineer.
Yet, the impact of product failures tends to dominant warranty expenses.
Therefore understanding the many elements around warranty management is essential for any reliability engineer. [Read more…]