Applying the Dale Carnegie Principles to Build a Reliability Culture
Building on the Dale Carnegie® Principles from the famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, we can progress to the next set of principles.
Using his key principles as a guide, we can bring about change within our organization. In the previous post, we covered how to build authentic and meaningful relationships.
If you have not read that post, yet, please go back and do so before reading on.
I was part way through my Dale Carnegie® course when I was challenged to make a change at work by using one or two of the principles below.
We were struggling with being able to complete our weekly PMs because we had to support the production line changeovers. Dwelling on this, I approached the skilled trades that were preparing to perform a changeover. I asked them about the changeover, and what were the sticking points.
I allowed them to do a great deal of the talking. I listened to the challenges they had and why the changeovers took so long.
Using one of the following principles (#12), I threw down a challenge that they jumped all over.
I stated that the other crew was able to do the changeover in 3 hours and 30 minutes, which was 30 minutes quicker than the average. I stated that no crew could beat that change over time.
2 and a half hours later, the changeover was done, with one of the best first hour efficiencies we have ever seen. Wow, was I blown away by the results. This started a friendly rivalry between the various crews.
By taking the time to establish a good relationship with the crew, I was able to throw down a challenge and they accepted. I don’t think the challenge would have been accepted and accomplished if I did not have a relationship with them.
Listed below are the principles you can implement and follow, once you have built the relationships with the staff;
- The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. This doesn’t mean rolling over, but rather choose your battles. Be strategic, not tactical.
- Show respect for the other person’s opinion. Never say, “You’re wrong.” Ask a few questions to lead the person to see if they can see the error. If not, then acknowledge that their opinion is different than yours and leave it at that.
- If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. This is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. You are able to defuse the most upset people with this simple statement while gaining their trust and respect. Once they know that you admit your mistakes, they will more willing to listen to you and admit their mistakes.
- Begin in a friendly way. Regardless of the reason why you communicate with someone, always begin in a friendly way. Continue with the friendly tone even when communicating bad news or coaching. This will minimize the stress and embarrassment of the other individual.
- Get the other person saying, “Yes, Yes” immediately. When trying to implement a change that may not be readily received, get the team saying yes. Do this by stating the benefits of the change and having them say yes to that. This puts them in a positive mind and they are more likely to try the change.
- Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. You will learn more by listening, than by talking.
- Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. Let them build and own the idea. If you came up with it or led them to it, let them own it and talk about it.
- Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view. Take the time to understand their concerns with a change, or a project. Communicate how those concerns will be addressed.
- Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires. Understand their desires. Will a change program impact the amount of overtime they receive and therefore affect their lifestyle? Understand that, and work through the concerns.
- Appeal to the nobler motives. Everyone wants to do well, and be respected. Connecting with that connects them with the bigger picture.
- Dramatize your ideas. If you are enthusiastic and act excited about ideas or projects, you will transfer that energy to the other people. Create the energy.
- Throw down a challenge. Find your competitive people and challenge them. Most likely they will accept and over deliver.
Pick two principles and implement them this week.
Don’t think too much about it, just pick two and go. After a few days, let us know which ones you applied, and what the results were.
For further information on these principles and influencing people, please read the book that made this all possible, How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Remember, to find success, you must first solve the problem, then achieve the implementation of the solution, and finally sustain winning results.
I’m James Kovacevic
Solve, Achieve, Sustain
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